Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dear February,

We get it. You're the shortest month of the year and you feel cheated. But seriously, is this really necessary?

Stop taking it out on us please. We're three days in and you've showed how pissed off you are. We get it! But please, we're all in this together so lets just get through this, ok? Could you just do us all a collective solid and relax? Does it really have to be this dreary? Just try and be cool for the next 25 days? Please? Thanks.
It's days like this that make me seriously re-think all the gray in my home.
God bless Flickr. I don't think I could get through days like this if I didn't have these beautiful, colorful, cheery photos to help me through:

flowers-2-Edit-copy by rossignolfoto.

Sillón naranja by la cabeza de maria antonieta.
la cabeza de maria antonieta

lovely cabinet by ATLITW.

our banner by sweet sweet life.
sweet sweet life

There, I feel better... don't you?

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